Patterns have a standard shape. We describe this here. We also discuss the nature of the rigour that is characteristic of patterns, and the importance of this as a 'middle way' between loose narrative and meme, and extreme formalism such as 'unsupervised AI' and feral pattern recognition code.
Precondition: The core - the pod
> Beware, builders at work. To be developed xxx
> The pattern language of activist living takes a classic Alexander form. xxx
¿Template? - conditions - rationale - RoP - altered relations of production. This is the pivot of **activist** patterns. Leads to intention, to events. The patterning involves a particular rigour in conceptualising at the same time as requiring a poetic rigour in writing patterns and mobilising them: 'singing' them into hybrid, amalgamated working constellations. A deeply important middle way. - fine grain