REA - Resources-Events-Agents - is a generalised markup for economic transactions and processes; or indeed, any 'production process in a network of agents, transforming and exchanging 'resources', resulting in 'events. Here we consider the place of REA in an architecture of patterns.
Precondition: Next - The shape of a pattern
>Beware, builders at work. To be developed xxx
REA, and the valueflows vocabulary, are under development by Mikorizal Software - Bob Haugen, Lynn Foster. Guerrilla Translations! - the developers of the DisCO coop model - are working with Mikorizal on an REA/valueflows web apps implementation, to furnish a contribution accounting system for GT. Mikorizal Software
The correspondence between REA categories and the categories of a generalised system map are as follows . .
Dramatis personae = Agents RoP = Events Processes = Resource transformations
It would be advisable if (within the <rationale> section) a pattern description includes a system map . .
Dramatis personae (key structure elements/actors) Dynamics (key transformations) RoP (key transformational behaviour)
For illustration purposes, here is an early version of the system map for the aesthetic landacape. It requires updating . .

A system map for the aesthetic landscape (needs updating - for illustration purposes only)]