Here we give the background to the college, arising in the network for Robin Murray: 'Making the living economy'.
> Beware, builders at work. This is a rough cut, to be developed xxx
- Robin Murray origins. ’New social economy’, ‘the civil economy’, *Danger & opportunity*, *Social venturing*, *Cooperation in the age of Google*. - a federation of formacion coops - crystallised around a pattern language of commoning xxx Commoning, association, solidarity, beyond fragments - Traditions, formations, movements. P2PF. Commons transition.
xxxA college, formacion xxx College 'schools' will be coops. A federation of coops. **DisCO** is the model
xxx Pattern language of commoning, activist life -foprop weave xxx Four zones of activist reach and proximity - fields of literacy, fields of material practice.
Next: The core - the pod