Here we discuss: What is care work? Why is it a concern? What is the difficulty of it?
> Beware, builders at work. This is a rough cut, to be developed xxx
# Why is it a concern? We go into - the landscape of **temperament, emotion and the heart-mind**. GHD (greed, hatred, delusion). Why it matters to the activist. - **Othering** - sectarianism, fundamentalisms, populisms, atavistic nationalism - an **anti-supremacist** politics, transversally connecting with and akin to . . feminism, politics of colour, internationalism, movements of social justice and indigeneity.
# What is the difficulty of it?
in-here is predominantly in-the-body (thus, material) preconscious. This is why the skills are challenging, and the possibilities of literacy enormous. There is a small window, in which skills of mindful awareness enable skilful choice to be made.
The aesthetic landscape - while fully material (in fact, in-the-body) - is the most difficult to recognise and handle, and in a sense also the most deeply determining of the three landscapes. Below the three landscapes are contrasted. > To be developed xxx

Basic form of the aesthetic landscape (transformed vision & intention)

Basic form of the cultural landscape (formacion)

Basic form of the material landscape (real economy)
> Altered production of the landscape of the heart-mind. Altered **relations of production**. > The pattern language moves through four zones of scope. Here, present the **narrative frame** for this zone. To be added xxx
# What is care work?
We mean to work with the following perspectives . . - foprop - Mike Hales, foprop weave - DisCO - DisCO manifesto - global South formations in solidarity economy - urban/city formations in solidarity economy
Next: The core - the pod